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Our Biodiversity

Finding Inspiration in Every Turn

The Lagos del Dulcino coastal wetland system is located in the Caribbean Region, on the coastal strip bordering the western foothills of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, south of the city centre, in the department of Magdalena.


Our biggest Sister - LAGUNA EL DULCINO

Dulcino Lake, located in the tourist corridor of the city, is an area where water is the main factor controlling the environment and the plant and animal life associated with its ecosystem, which serves as a habitat for food, shelter, and breeding and reproduction areas for a large number of species of fish, birds, amphibians, reptiles, mammals and invertebrates. It also plays a very important ecological role in the control of erosion, sedimentation and flooding, in the supply and purification of water and in the maintenance of fishing activity. For this reason, it was declared by Dadsa as an Area of Environmental Interest.

Coastal Lagoon and Beach Related Birds

Coastal Lagoon and Beach Associated Crabs

Fish species associated with the Coastal Lagoon

Mugil Liza.jpg

(Lebranche) Alevinos

Megalops Atlanticus.jpg

(Sábalo) Alevinos

Birds of the dry forest

Pyrocephalus Rubinus.jpeg

Pyrocephalus Rubinus

Melanerpes Rubricapillus.jpeg

Carpintero Habado

Mangrove species

Mangle Negro o mangle salado.jpeg

Mangle Negro o mangle salado

Conocarpus Erectus.jpg

Mangle Amarillo o Piñuelo

Our Allies

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Alcaldia Santa Marta.jfif
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